Wednesday 11 May 2016

Google Proposes New Emojis to Combat Gender Inequality

A  team of Google employees have recommended 13 new emojis to better represent professional women.The team forwarded a new set of emoji that represents a wide range of professions for women and men with a goal of highlighting the diversity of women's careers and empowering girls everywhere, to the Unicode Consortium (,the body responsible for approving and standardising emojis.

The new emojis are for heathcare workers, scientists, businesspeople and even rock stars. The professions were chosen based on what would best represent the modern workforce. While "the urgency to improve the representation of women" was a key concern, each new professional emoji also came with an associated male counterpart.

According to Google, “These emoji can have a positive impact by depicting women across a representative sample of professions, with the hope of empowering young women and better reflect the pivotal roles women play in the world.”

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