Thursday 5 May 2016

Facebook: Get Your Hacked Account Back

If the email address and/or password on your account have changed--and you did not change it, your account has been hacked. Other possible symptoms that should worry you include new "friends" that you never approved, and status updates and messages allegedly going out from "you" even though you didn't send them.
First, try to change your Facebook password: Click the little white triangle near the upper-right corner or the Facebook webpage and select Settings. This brings you to the Settings page's General tab. Click Password. Enter your current password in the Current field.
Type a strong password in the New and 'Re-type new' fields. This should be a password you have never used before. When you click Save Changes, Facebook may reject your current password. If it does, whoever hacked your account has already changed it. Go to Facebook's Report Compromised Account page, click the My Account in Compromised button, and follow the wizard.But if Facebook accepts the old password (and the new one, of course), you can sigh with relief. You have recovered your account. Facebook will ask if you want it to log off of other devices; take them up on that offer.

Once you have your Facebook account pages, take some steps to make sure this never happens again: Back on the Settings page, click the Security tab on the left and then click Login Approvals . Check Require a security code to access my account from unknown browsers. If you have not given Facebook your cell number, you will have to enter it here.
Once you have setup Login Approvals, enable Login Alerts. That way,  Facebook will notify you via email if your account is accessed by a browser, app, or device that has never accessed your account before. If you did not do the logging in, you will know you have a problem.

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