Wednesday 8 June 2016

BFF, BRB and Other Chat Abbreviations Added to Oxford Dictionary

Is text messaging ruining or enriching the language? With 1 billion monthly active Whatsapp users worldwide as of February 2016 (up from over 700 million in January 2015) and other popular mobile apps and networks, Internet slang becomes an essential part of our everyday life. Busy, on-the-go users create chat abbreviations in an effort to save keystrokes. 

New terms originate from various sources, including chat rooms, email, mobile phone text messaging, social networks and others. While it does save keystrokes, decoding it sometimes can prove very hard.

The new 9th edition of Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary app for iPhone, iPad and Android mobile devices comes with 900 new definitions from various areas and fields, including 25 well-known Internet slang terms that have been now “officially” recognised.

Top 25:
AFAIK: as far as I know.
AFAIR: as far as I remember.
AFK: away from the keyboard.

BF: boyfriend, best friend.
BFF: best friend forever.
BFN: bye for now.
BRB: be right back.
DD: darling daughter.
DW: 1. darling wife; 2. don’t worry.
GF: girlfriend.
HTH: hope this helps.
IDK: I don't know.
IMHO: in my (humble) opinion.
IYKWIM: if you know what I mean.

MYOB: mind your own business.
NSFW: not safe (or suitable) for work.
OH: other half (a person’s wife, husband or partner).
OMG: oh my God (used to express surprise, excitement, etc.).
ROFL: roll(ing) on the floor laughing (used to show that you find something extremely funny).
TBH: to be honest.
TMI: too much information (used to say that somebody has given some personal information that is embarassing).
TTFN: ta-ta for now (to say goodbye to somebody).
TTYL: talk to you later (used when ending a message to somebody or a conversation).
YMMV: your mileage may vary (used to say that people may experience a particular thing in different ways).
YOLO (often written as #YOLO): you only live once (used especially on the Internet to say that people should take every opportunity to enjoy life, or to excuse something stupid that you have done).

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