Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Apple Loses Exclusive Rights to "iPhone" Trademark

Apple is no longer the only company that can sell 'iPhones ' in China. The electronics giant lost its exclusive rights to the "iPhone" trademark in the, with Chinese courts siding against it in a recent legal proceeding.

Apple who filed a trademark suit against Beijing-based leather wallet and accessory maker Xintong Tiandi Technology, found itself on the losing end according to local publication, Legal Daily. Xintong Tiandi has for years been selling leather products branded "IPHONE", with Apple unsuccessfully seeking to stop this.

The Municipal Court's decision resonated a 2013 judgement from the Chinese trademark authourity( , with its reason being that Apple's iPhones were not sold in mainland China until 2009 and the company could not prove that the "IPHONE" trademark was widely known before Xintong Tiandi took it up in 2007.

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