Data analytics firm, Similarweb has said that WhatsApp is the most used messenger app in the world, with Facebook Messenger coming behind. Using Android data from 187 countries, Similarweb was able to determine the most popular messaging app all over the world.
According to the data analytics firm, “Of the 187 countries that SimilarWeb examined, WhatsApp was the world leader claiming 109 countries, or 55.6% of the world. WhatsApp’s countries include Brazil, Mexico, India, Russia, and many other countries in South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, and Oceania.
In the second position was Facebook Messenger claiming 49 countries including Australia, Canada, and the U.S. In the third position was Viber who claimed 10 or more countries. The app shows strong popularity in Eastern Europe, and is the top app in Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine, and others. In fact, as of April 2016, Viber was installed on 65% of all Android devices in Ukraine and was used for an average of 16 minutes a day. Viber’s popularity also reaches other parts of the world including countries such as Iraq, Libya, and Sri Lanka.
Line, WeChat, and Telegram are 3 other messaging apps claiming multiple countries with China, Iran, and Japan representing countries using one of these apps. Apps that only claimed one country include KakaoTalk in South Korea,imo in Cuba, Zalo in Vietnam, ChatOn in Eritrea, and BBM in Indonesia.
Surprisingly, BlackBerry’s BBM is still used by the masses in at least one country in the world: Indonesia. As of April 2016, the app was installed on 87.5% of all Android devices in the country, far surpassing any other country in terms of BBM use.
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